Physician Career Coaching & Consulting Services
If you are visiting Dr. Kinder’s website for Non Clinical Careers for Physicians, there is some aspect of your career that is no longer satisfying! Career situations vary; doctors may be burned out, leaving practice due to disability or legal issues, curious about options but not ready to leave practice, desiring a new challenge, in need of supplemental income, or eager to bring a creative idea to market.
Regardless of the situation, the Fastest and Most-Efficient Path to a different medical career is with guidance from a fellow physician who has successfully made a career transition and helped others obtain non clinical physician jobs.
Unlike the road to becoming a doctor, there are no courses, degrees, or maps for finding alternative careers for physicians. Your best chance of success comes by working closely with a Career Consultant. Many physicians are not familiar with Career Consultants because they have not needed one before. Traditionally, doctors leave residency straight for medical practice, and have not experienced the search for an alternative career.
Dr. Kinder provides practical career change advice and outlines the exact steps to take. This process is difficult if done alone. With a Career Consultant, you obtain results quickly and easily with much less investment of your most valuable resource – time. It will also save you money and heartache.
Do not set out on this journey unprepared and alone – let someone who has successfully traveled the road to a fulfilling and rewarding non clinical physician career guide you! Contact Dr. Kinder, Right Now™!
[Please see FAQs for detailed information on physician job opportunities and the Career Consulting process.]
Career Development Services include (but are not limited to):
• Customized Career Strategies
• Career Search Assistance
• Goal Determination
• Analysis & Improvement of Current Situation & Career
• Personality & Skills Analysis
• Resume/C.V. Analysis & Writings
• Social Media Profile Setup
• Networking, Job-Search, & Interview Skills Training
• Time Management Skills Development
• Photo Critique & Photo Editing
• Image Analysis
• Elevator Pitches, and Networking & Interview Scripts
• Work & Life Balance Establishment
• Instruction on obtaining Speaker, Author, & Expert Status
• Product & Invention Development Assistance
• Business Development
• Presentation & Writing Critique
• Brand, Image, & Platform Creation
• Audience Determination
• Business Card Design
• Market & Keyword Research
• Web & Graphic Design
• Publicity Generation and PR services
• Digital & Online Marketing services
Career Development Service Plans
You will discuss your current situation with Dr. Kinder during your initial complimentary phone consultation to determine which of the following Service Plans is best for your career path.
1. Monthly Retainer
• 1 month of ongoing work directly with Dr. Kinder via phone calls, emails, and text.
[* This is recommended for physicians beginning the transition to a non clinical career or for those wishing to immediately improve their current situation.]
2. Single Session
A Session Includes:
• 1 preliminary email sent to Dr. Kinder prior to phone call, containing information to allow
her to prepare for phone call and maximize results.
• 1 phone call (approximately 1 hour in duration).
• 1 follow-up email from Dr. Kinder.
3. Single 1 Hour Phone Call
4. A La Carte Services
[* Some services are offered individually, depending on your circumstances. Further details provided during discussion with Dr. Kinder.]
5. In-Person Consultation
[* Some physicians prefer to work in person with Dr. Kinder. This can be arranged on an individual basis, with your choice of Dr. Kinder traveling to your office or your travel to the Nashville area.]
What Have You Done to Start the Process of Career Change?
You only get 90 days per Quarter. That’s only 90 days to start the process of changing careers, or modifying your current clinical career. That’s just enough time to get things moving in the right direction. Don’t waste another day miserable in clinical practice, Contact Dr. Julia Kinder today.
Physician Career Consulting Goals
• Understand current causes of career dissatisfaction
– Avoid reoccurrence in a future position
– Determine if current position can be improved/modified
• Identify ways to improve current career during transition process
– Relieve burn-out and stress
• Clarify life goals, which are often forgotten and neglected with demands of practice
• Identify barriers to transition, with strategies to avoid those hurdles
• Determine careers that fit into your desired lifestyle
• Create strategy to obtain selected career
• Establish an on-line presence to attract opportunities
– The search for a non clinical physician job should be a 2-way street. While you are looking for available alternative jobs for physicians, potential employers must also be able to find YOU
• Create an image/brand of yourself that is in-line with the position you desire and which makes you stand out from your competition
• Polish CV/Resume
• Renew your energy, drive, and passion
– Eliminate unnecessary obligations to give you more time and decrease responsibility burden
• Find more time for you and activities you enjoy
The Ultimate Goal is to ensure your Career Success!
Whether that goal is reached by improving your current situation, finding an employed position, or creating your own business.
It’s easy to get started: simply complete the contact form below, and Dr. Kinder will contact you to schedule an initial conversation by phone. There is no cost or obligation for this initial phone call. Contact Dr. Kinder, Right Now™ to begin the process! [Please fill out the form directly below at no cost or obligation.]
Would you like to see more reasons why to utilize Dr. Julia Kinder? See various testimonials from other Doctors just like you – Click here to view Testimonials.
Dreading your next day in clinic? Burned out and tired of the daily hassles? Feel stuck? Discover what options exist for you in non clinical careers for physicians. It’s time to re-discover your passion and drive, Right Now™!